17.8.20, 16:46 - nintendo
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My weekend was filled (successfully) with Nintendo 3DS Adventures.gepostet von web doc
Since long time I've wanted to change the original firmware of my Nintendo 3DS to a custom one, mostly to use the old black brick for Homebrew Software and emulation purposes. (No new Games released since a long time anyway, so, hey, why not.)
On this site, every single step is explained. There is nearly (*) nothing you can do wrong if you can read.
(*) I had to get a new Nintendo ID and reset my 3DS to get the MagicSeed. 2nd problem was that one directory needed to have two entries...completely silly, but I got it after a while (Godmode9.firm in luma/payloads/ just needed to be copied)
The whole thing took about 2 hours of reading, downloading, computing the magic seed, and so on.

I've installed mGBA, a Gameboy emulator for gb, gbc and gba games and noticed in the configuration menu that there is the option to enable a camera.... well I gave it a try and guess what:

If the Game Boy Camera Cartridge is loaded, you can emulate the Gameboy Camera completely on your 3DS.
And the pictures are stored in the Save file on the SD Card, which can be extracted using this little online tool:

HA! It's getting easier every time to use the GB Camera with modern PC :D
So long,
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