a new Door game for my BBS

Nothing thrilling today, just a small little update on my little BBS:

A new door game has been added. It's


With it's daily, monthly and so on highscores, a beautiful GUI it is an enrichment for my Bulletin Board System!

enter image description here

The author was so kind to help me finding a configuration bug in my Dosbox, but now it's up and running.
If you want to add this to your BBS, you can download all needed files here: http://www.bbswordle.com/about.html

If you want to play a bit, log on to my mailbox Hackerforce BBS:
telnet to bbs.hackerforce.de Port 2323 or 2324
or the html version: https://netzherpes.de/ftelnet/index.html

So long and thanks for all the füsch,

Stay save and don't vote fascists!