18.3.13, 17:42 - Linux
gepostet von web doc
sadly the weather is not mindblowing, so i still have some spare time to tinker a bit with my toys.gepostet von web doc
a cheap nikon here in my office shall be used with gphoto2 to make a timelapse film.
all my linux pcs are @home, so i needed a windows port of gphoto2 (it's a remote control tool for nearly any digital camera)
my first guess was just to install cygwin and have a package called gphoto, but ... möööööp ... no.
so back to basic: i learned how to compile stuff on my own sind sshd on my 486 ;)
unimaginable boatloads of dependencies are waiting for you if you try to compile gphoto2, but i made it.
sadly libusb-win32 didn't initialize my camera, but some guys already had this probblem:
Download the latest binary version of libusb-win32 from here http://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb-win32/, unzip it somewhere, and run ./bin/inf-wizard.exe, select your camera and when you're finished click the "Install" button.
this worked, and i even found a precompiled (older) version of gphoto... so if you di not want to go to alllll the way through the compile sh** just take a closer lokok on this site:
and finally i am able to remotely control my camera with a windows pc..