7.8.10, 11:30 - Dies und Das
gepostet von web doc
lately i stumbled across a nice jump'n'run game called knytt Stories. The Graphics reminds me a bit of Super Mario, but somehow more minimalistic and retro. So I gave it a try and: gepostet von web doc
The gameplay is good, fast, easy to learn (nice tutorial), the characters are so cute , the sound is very ambient and: there are hundreds of additional levels available on the internetze
please give it a try!
The game runs under windows, but by using wine (and some tricks) also under linux etc.
the trick, as to be read here: http://jon.aslund.org/2008/09/08/knytt-stories is
wget http://www.kegel.com/wine/winetricks
sh winetricks vcrun6
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