contiki for C64 / C128 updated to version 2.4 
21.8.10, 15:21 - retro & C64
gepostet von web doc

un be lievable

+++ slashdot news +++

c64s operating system contiki has been updated to version 2.4 (again, oliver schmid compiled and fixed the most parts)

it contains:
a web browser
an email client
a web server
a twitter client
an irc client
and a wget application

grab it here: and install it immediately!

wanna see a c64 webserver in action? -> :-)

i'm just impressed. all these applications run on a 1mhz 64 kb machine without modifications except an ethernet card. now mr. torwalds and mr. gates: try this with your os ;-)
Usinger Laurentiuskerb, Montagsfrühschoppen,  
13.8.10, 09:06 - Dies und Das
gepostet von web doc
von 11 bis 11, wie immer...

nach dem grandiosen Megaabsturz letztes Jahr, versuche ich dieses Jahr wieder etwas mehr kondition zu beweisen.

Ich freue mich schon jetzt auf meine Freude von der Componio gmbh aus Darmstadt, ob es dieses Jahr wieder eine Überraschung gibt? wie den tollen Wimpel, oder den verdächtig ausshenden Koffer?

Gib BILD keine chance! 
10.8.10, 09:26 - Dies und Das
gepostet von web doc
endlich hat googlenews es geschafft, einen medienfilter einzubauen, puh

Damit ist es wieder benutzbar...
yours, webdoc
knytt stories 
7.8.10, 11:30 - Dies und Das
gepostet von web doc
lately i stumbled across a nice jump'n'run game called knytt Stories. The Graphics reminds me a bit of Super Mario, but somehow more minimalistic and retro. So I gave it a try and:


The gameplay is good, fast, easy to learn (nice tutorial), the characters are so cute , the sound is very ambient and: there are hundreds of additional levels available on the internetze

please give it a try!

The game runs under windows, but by using wine (and some tricks) also under linux etc.
the trick, as to be read here: is
sh winetricks vcrun6


C64 is dead! long live the C64 
3.8.10, 17:00 - retro & C64
gepostet von web doc
Mr.Mouse/XeNTaX presented a little analysis of the entries in csdb, the commodore scene database, a db, where nearly_ all releases are collected.

what shall i say: the C64 is dead ;-)

well, not really, but its remarkable that there have been 8000 entries in '88 and less than 500 this year. interestingly the number of SID releases rose over time.

Last week I had a little free time to soort some disks and turn on my commmodore baby. with the popping up blue screen i simply started feeling happy.
this is something all of you folks out theree should do. do not use an emulator, use the real thing.


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