online business... Spanisches Gänseblümchen Erigeron 
9.3.11, 17:19 - Dies und Das
gepostet von web doc
Kann mir jemand sagen wieso von allen 1200 Artikeln in meinem Online Shop ausgerechnet das Spanische Gänseblümchen so beliebt ist? Es ist nicht häßlich, aber auch nicht wirklich der Reisser. Ich muss mich nur immer wieder wundern...
Schauts euch selbst mal an: ... inski.html

wundert sich immernoch:
New features on WebOS 2.1 
2.3.11, 08:45 - Linux
gepostet von web doc
I really couldn't wait any longer for a new device to be sold by hp in germany. so i hacked my palm pre (again) and installed
and a 1 ghz (overclocking) uberkernel

this telephone is mindblowing now.

First I will tell you something about the new features:
-There is a central programm for managing the online accounts (facebook, google, etc.) which makes life a lot easier.
-The programm launcher now offers "stacking" the programms. hfcoma says he would die for this feature, it offers a better overview to your opened programms. As i do not open 20 prgs at once i really do need other things more ;-)
-Speechdialer is a new programm that offers (as the programm suggests) a speechdialing version. this is really cool for bt heatset users.
-The app cataloge is renovated, offering a better overview. really good!
-a software manager lets you remove programs. (no more orange+tap)
-VPN prg by default
-the justType search function is way better than the old one. you can also add searchengines by yourself.

now for the things that get a "dislike"
-many programs are not ported to 2.1 yet.
-even the essential terminal and internalz are not portet (funny: internalz IS ported, but due to a NDA not available :/ ) UPDATE: internalz now available!!! thanks HPalm to allow the breaking of nda explizit :-D )
-flashplayer is too slow for showing videos. NO f* chance on that. but it works !!!

here some pics:

webos 2.1 
28.2.11, 17:32 - Linux
gepostet von web doc
yes! ich habs getan... ich hab mir den metadoktor geholt und einfach mal so webos2.1 auf meinem alten pre installiert.
ich habe mich dabei strikt an die anleitung von webos-internals gehalten.
hat klasse funktioniert.
vielen dank an rod der innerhalb von wenigen tagen alle tools angepasst hat.
m e g a g e i l
jetzt kommt noch flash drauf und dann is gut

chameleon arrived \\o/ hooray 
26.2.11, 19:11 - retro & C64
gepostet von web doc
i cannot believe it how fast the german post is:
chameleon arrived. thank you jens, thank you vesalia

here's my little photo-love-story ;)

-mmc64 and rr are working. 16mb reu needs testing.
-vga works like a charm (c-one is a little better)
-disk emu thing not tested yet
-cdtv remote works f***** great

+++ breaking news +++ 
24.2.11, 16:31
gepostet von web doc
+++ chameleon arrives at vesalia +++ stop +++ shipping tomorrow +++ stop +++

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