30.10.17, 16:06 - retro & C64
gepostet von web doc
Another contribiution in english, just in case anybody else in this world is still interested in Typewriters ;)gepostet von web doc
Here is what I've done so far:
Last week I managed to get a script working on my RaspberryPi for printing out tweets on a POS Printer. I've done something like this some years ago, but long before Twitter changed the API's .
This time I copypasted a ruby script by kris.cool, running (after some rubygem install orgy) out of the box. And I did not use a regular Printer on the USB Port, no, I've chosen my old Olivetti Typewriter ET compact 60 (with Centronics Interface LCU60P).
Some minor changes had to be done regarding the CR+LF, but nothing really challenging. German Umlaute are not supported yet, and '@' and '#' are not on the daisywheel, so I need to find a way to replace theese chars, too.
BUT: It's typing!
So... If anybody out there wants to wake me up, post a tweet containing #samenandreas and my old Typewriter will start banging like there is no tomorrow!
Have fun,
stay childish
as written above, the typewriter lacks # and @ and the unicode chatracters üöäÜÖÄß are coded in ascii, not german ascii. I did a little translation to insert the right chars, or (at) instead of @
Now it's complete
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