Phonebook for the KIM-1


Found in Hobbycomputer #1 (c) 1980 Herwig Feichtinger improved by netzherpes

a phonebook ... silly, but it's there
get it here:


It simply saved lines of text from 0200 or 2000 on, depending on the version.
The interesting part is the search function, where you can querry a phrase, a name, a number and the program will spit out the line of text containing this phrase.


The small (original) version is unusable meanwhile, as I cannot send a NUL on modern terminals (or at least I did not figure out how :D ). So I came up with a workaround, that adds a #$00 after the last entry, changed the memory layout, added some text in the beginning. Nothing thrilling, but for me a huge step in the learning curve.

original version: Load $00, Start $77, Data at $0200
improved version: Load $0200, Start $0200, Data at $2000


Switch Data entry / data query with (ESC)
The Program starts in data query mode and a question mark. Enter a searchphrase or press (ENTER) to show all entries.
The first letter after the (ESC) is sadly not echoed. Still investigating. Stoopid KIM. But it's there ;)

After switching to data entry you can write whatever you want, up to 255 characters. Normally (in a phonebook) something like

nils 0190222222

End your line with (ENTER). Important: Start your very first entry with an (Enter), too!
Ater you are finished, press (ESC) to get back to search for entries.

Memory of Data

The single entries are identified by the $0d at the start and the end. Everything in between this borders counts as one line.
The memory should look like the following

Location Content Why?
$2000 #$00 start
$2001 #$0d begin of an entry
$2002-$2010 some text
$2011 #$0d end and start new entry
$2012 #$00 important, as the program searches the first free $00 for the next entry

To save your data, save from $2000 to the first $00 after $2000 ... will write a sub for this l8r
