Hackerforce BBS 1994 Message Base restored

As you might have read earlier in this blog, I've restored some old 5,25 disks with the old hackerforce back ups. Last week I inserted all old local message boards to my running BBS.

Sometimes you wonder, what was going on in our minds 30 years ago, and sometime you stop wondering why we are where we are now 😆

enter image description here

I've also inserted a frame in this blog, where you can directly and without a ANSI telnet program log in: look at the top of the screen and click simply click on Hackerforce ;)

enter image description hereHui, da war der Dirk wohl jeaulous...

Also I've written a little Backstory about the original mailbox. You can find it on the new Hackerforce BBS Homepage: https://www.hackerforce.de

Have fun exploring Your Webdoktor