COMAL is one of the successors of BASIC. It's far more structured, with subroutines, do..while loops and so on. The language was invented by a dutch math teacher called Børge R. Christensen and Benedict Loefstedt. It was inspired by PASCAL, but had the interpreter style like BASIC.
There exist interpreters for all kind of computers, PET, C64, CP/Ms, apples, acorns, bbc, to name some 8bitters, but also X86 and so on. And there was a hobby version for the elektoor junior, a dutch single board hobby computer, that was nearly like the KIM-1.
No one else than Hans Otten took care of this port, as he had the original tapes at home and the KIM Gebruikers Club Nederland magazines (which he was the editor back in the golden days).
After some dead ends in porting this to the KIM-1 he finally made it and now we have a port of this unique piece of microcomputing history for our KIM-1:
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